Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Busy as a Bee...

It's been over a moon since my last post...
{...and I have to say the loss of my dog put me into a bit of a funk.} 
But then I had house guests, and it helped me jump back into house projects (major house projects), biking, gardening, photography, and just general summertime relaxation!

Here's a glimpse of one house project- actually our Carriage House project.  It needed a new foundation and new walls and siding.  Sometime long ago it was re-sided with "gunite" a sprayed on type of concrete.  It is not attractive. The previous owners deferred the maintenance so we are preserving the old Gal and giving her a new facelift with steel siding.  This is where we found the old newspaper used as insulation. 

She is already looking pretty!  I'll post a picture when she gets completed.  There's always a project to complete when a house is 163 years old!
